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Full report from the 2019 personal health budget survey

78% of respondents said they were extremely likely or likely to recommend a personal health budget to someone else.

The full report from the 2019 personal health budget survey, which was commissioned by NHS England and executed by Quality Health, is now available.

419 respondents shared their experiences of personal health budgets, integrated personal budgets and personal wheelchair budgets. People were overwhelmingly likely to recommend a personal health budget/integrated personal budget to somebody else, and a high proportion of people felt the care planning process worked well.

The report highlights some key areas for improvement, including the number of people who weren’t able to choose the option they wanted to manage their personal health budget, and the number of people who said that it was difficult to find more information on personal health budgets.

You can read more about the survey results, and download the full reports from both the 2018 and 2019 surveys from Quality Health here:

March 2020