What we do
Our aim is to connect and empower people with long term health conditions and disabilities so that they can have greater choice and control in their lives.
In order to help this happen, we:
- Provide clear and relevant information as one way to empower people
- Encourage people to share their stories and experiences
- Connect people together through the peoplehub community
- Enable people and organisations to understand and implement meaningful strategic co-production

Peoplehub is unique because:
- We empower people with lived experience to use their own voice, rather than representing them
- We have direct experience of personal health budgets and personalised care, either as an individual or as a family carer
- We recognise and address the power and information imbalance which needs to be addressed in order that people can meaningfully co-produce with organisations and systems
- We have a significant track record in co-developing and influencing the policy and implementation of personal health budgets and personalised care
Some of our achievements include:
- Created and delivered numerous tailored workshops on personal health budgets, care and support planning and co-production
- Provided consultancy to organisations to support them to implement co-production
- Created the Spectrum of Participation to demonstrate the different ways that organisations can engage with people
- Facilitated the development of local co-production groups
- Produced innovative resources on personal health budgets and NHS Continuing Healthcare
- Developed a national personal health budget peer network, which evolved into the NHS England Personalised Care Strategic Co-production Group
- Led the co-production of the “Key features of a personal health budget” in partnership with NHS England
- Created the original Peer Leadership Academy to develop people’s knowledge, skills and confidence to enable meaningful co-production of personalised care
- Co-created the online NHS England Peer Leadership Development Programme

We provide consultancy to support organisations to engage with people with lived experience in order to make constructive change happen.
We have extensive experience in implementing strategic co-production in order to enable effective service development. Peoplehub takes a whole system approach to developmental processes which values and draws on the knowledge and experience of different perspectives.
At the heart of our work is the pivotal contribution of people with lived experience integrated with the perspectives of staff and commissioners.
Workshops and Training
Peoplehub is experienced in creating tailored workshops and training sessions for a wide range of audiences, including individuals and families, voluntary organisations, health professionals, providers, and commissioners.
We’ve created and delivered sessions on a range of topics including, for example, personal health budgets, personalised care and support planning, strategic co-production and effective personal story telling.
All workshops are co-facilitated by two peoplehub team members, one of whom will always be a person with lived experience.

If you would like to talk with us about what we can offer you please contact us at hello@peoplehub.org.uk or fill in the contact form on the Contact Us page.